Welcome Starseed! Welcome home.

We are all children of the Cosmos!


 The next mission

In my consciousness, I have always known that I would create a platform for all to hold light. To help heal the world as ONE family. But in all honesty, it had not aligned with me. Not until now!

QUANTUM CONNECTION – GALACTIC ALLIANCE is the culmination of many months of searching in the deepest parts of my soul. This was the journey I had to undertake to know my origins and my true self. I could not bring this to the world until I had all the pieces to my cosmic puzzle!

Through my constant upgrades and the conscious channeling of my team, I am now being shown that this is the correct timeline of activation. The call to the light.

Now I know who I am.

I am from Osterious, Delta 3.

I am Oracle – The Founding Father of the High Council of Light – Melchizedek.

I have returned from the future to assist with the raising of Earth’s vibration and to Awaken the Starseeds. The birthing of the New Earth consciousness.


QUANTUM CONNECTION was channelled on the 11/11 portal. Every detail was given to me!

You are reading this; you have heard the call.

QUANTUM CONNECTION – The Next Mission. There is no requirement to join our ONE family other than your desire to be part of this inspirational healing movement.

If you consider yourself at the start of your spiritual journey. If you have been on the path of Awakening for a long time or you may even be a spiritual mentor for others. We need you to join your heart and intention to our collective.

This exclusionary subscription platform is the next-level activation and co-creation of new and sacred codes. Guided and channelled by Oracle, we will support Gaia in her rising.

Together we will code the Galactic templates for global activation. And importantly, we will wake the sleeping Starseeds. Earth needs the Starseeds to activate their remembrance codes. The Starseeds are the third wave of light workers here to inaugurate the birth of the New Golden Age.

During our incredible time together, I will activate all members of QUANTUM CONNECTION with my Light Language and my powerful codes. Everything is about balance; as we give, we receive. It is the law of One. Joining QUANTUM CONNECTION, you will receive healing and transmissions that will upgrade your crystalline blueprint. For those who have integrated their Light Language, we will assist in activating those who have not.

Consciously I  don’t know what will happen during our time together, but I do know that it will be Earth changing. I will step aside and become a channel for Oracle and the High Council of Light - Melchizedek to work through me.

If you have received one of my Quantum Light Language Healings, you will know how life-changing this will be. Together we will be offering profound Earth and humanity healing, decoding, activating, and recoding for Gaia and the Galactic templates. We will be Awakening sacred sites, known and forgotten. We will be activating old and new ley lines. We will be coding the four elements. We will visit Inner Sun and Inner Earth, and lots, lots more!

And YOU, Starseed will play a crucial part in this!

Without you, this is not possible!

Join our ONE family. Everyone on any level of their journey is called. Just bring along your healing intention and your shining light. We are finding our tribe!

I am just the facilitator, and you bring the magic!

 QUANTUM CONNECTION – Galactic Alliance

Membership £22.22 per month

On the third Sunday of every month, we will all come together from around the world for 1.5 hours.

At 7.30 pm GMT + 1 Hour.

You will receive a Zoom link 5 days before the session date and a reminder as we all lead busy lives!

Sign up and let us complete our next Mission!

I cannot wait to see you there!


Please sign-up following the easy steps below…

You may cancel your subscription membership at any time. All Zoom sessions are recorded. If you are unable to attend the session, a copy can be provided upon request. I ask that you take a moment to read my Terms and Conditions


Once you have Subscribed, if required you can amend your card payment details, name and email through the MoonClerk Payment Portal - Click below to retrieve your unique link:

light beings and galactic guardians communicated with me

Tina, I just wanted to feedback on what happened when we all came together. I felt like time didn’t exist then I journeyed through the cosmos and stood before the brightest light. I stood on a square plate that connected me to everyone in the group in a grid. As I took a leap of faith to go into the darkness, I found myself on a vessel. The light beings and galactic guardians communicated with me, with us all. They spoke of a purpose and change and that they were here to assess Earth. As we opened the portal my whole body physically spun as the frequency took us higher into higher realms and dimensions. We all connected with our gifts and light and began the process of raising, radiating, and protecting this part of the universe with our soul’s light. I’m forever changed and so glad I found you and signed up for the QUANTUM CONNECTION! Until next time star beings!


Able to experience your energy, your love and your skills!

First of all I would like to tell you how wonderful and fascinating it was again to see you "at work", to be able to experience your energy, your love and your skills! I'm very grateful to be part of your group. I am looking forward to the recording to listen to everything again.


So powerful & fun!

A really big thank you for the first Zoom Meet-Up in March! So powerful & fun! Thank you for sharing your gifts with me & all the others!


Sunday was SO powerful

And Sunday was SO powerful. I found it difficult to stay conscious even though I was sitting at the table! And, wonder of wonders I had a proper night’s sleep. Yes I woke a couple of times but straight back to sleep, the first time in months. I was drawn to place a small Smokey quartz Crystal between my IPad and me during the transmission and it seems to have absorbed all that energy - so sparkly and supercharged next day too. Last night was a real challenge, physically painful, disallowing sleep. Goodness knows what was going in “out there” - several of my friends had a difficult night too. Never mind that the English always talk about the weather - with us it’s all about sleep. I have listened to the recording twice. I hear it differently each time! What a wonder you are Tina, Love and blessings.


I couldn't believe it when Oracle came through

Thank you so much for the healing session last night, I couldn't believe it when Oracle came through, I felt a rush of delight.  You are a very special healer and I feel privileged to have met you. Something shifted for me, today I feel a lot lighter and less stressed. Looking forward to next month's group healing.


We were one with source

For my personal journey, I learned that I'm a weaver as well as a coder! My hands were weaving and dancing when we were one with source and when you asked those of us to weave!


It was epic!

Sunday was insane! I got 10 hours sleep and have felt amazing since! I felt so clear and confident. It was epic!

Fiz - UK

My heart feels warmth

Thank you so much for yesterday's meeting!!! I feel much more grounded and decisive. My heart feels warmth. I do feel an invisible help all around me. Yesterday after the meeting, I felt inspired to let the sounds come out of my mouth, and they did!  It turns out they were light language!

Rimona – USA