If you're even reading this:
Congratulations, you've found her…

I was bowled over by Tina's clear connection to higher realms and benevolent beings

I have been meditating and raising my vibration for many years. I heard about Tina through a friend. When I had a session, I was bowled over by Tina's clear connection to higher realms and benevolent beings who zero in on our issues that need clearing and regeneration. Tina has helped me clear deep emotional scarring from this and other lives. She can also directly address physical problems, some of which for me have been spinal pain, digestive issues, and sinus problems. Each time I work with Tina I have huge results. Her compassion and light language are so very healing. I'm so grateful to have found her.


If you're reading this and found your way to this website, it is not by accident, you have been divinely guided

I had an amazing experience working with Tina. She is a gifted healer and clear spiritual channel. This type of multidimensional healing works at the Soul level and removes stubborn & embedded trauma patterns.  I came to her because I was going through a dark night of the soul and filled with anxiety and a loud negative inner voice. The Quantum Light Language healing session helped me to transition out of this dark space and access more joy and peace.  I can confidently say I received a spiritual upgrade, which made me feel Lighter and more free to be myself. During my session, I received a channeled message which brought me deep validation, peace, and greater clarity about some details of my soul's mission.  I know my spirit guides led to Tina and if you're reading this and found your way to this website, it is not by accident, you have been divinely guided. If you feel stuck and are ready for a breakthrough.  And that is exactly what you will get.
In Gratitude, Love and Appreciation


I have jumped timelines, selves and realities and can move forward from the truth of my heart and soul

Finding Tina has been a huge blessing in my life. She possesses the ability to see exactly what a client needs and has been a compassionate guide in helping me release any blockage or limiting pattern present in my life. There’s never been a need to go too much into detail about what I’m facing because she picks up on it effortlessly and communicates fluidly between the energetic and physical planes. I am deeply grateful for the emotional, physical and spiritual healing she has facilitated for me. I continue seeking her counsel and support because she’s one of the few people I’ve met who can see another’s soul so clearly. Her recognition of my deepest self has allowed me to remember and reclaim the loving, divine presence I am. Her work with light language works deeply, moving through any conditioning, trauma, pain and illness still stuck in the mind and body. After a session with her I feel like I have jumped timelines, selves and realities and can move forward from the truth of my heart and soul. She is a gift to this world and to anyone who has the chance to work with her.


The stillness within I have found… has been profound

Magic! Incredible!
I recently worked with Tina, her energy and authenticity were beautiful! I’ve been on my inner quest for peace for years, and working with Tina helped me to ‘join the dots’. I am so grateful for the service that Tina provides. She truly embodies what it means to live a life of service to others. The stillness within I have found since talking to Tina has been profound. She delivers her knowledge and expertise in a tailored way for all to understand and enjoy. Thank you, Tina it was a pleasure working with you and I encourage anyone who’s thinking about working with Tina to book one! It will enhance your journey…. love to you all! Thank you!


The connection to my spirit guides helped me so much in finding my value and worth

‘Value and Worth’. I have been struggling to find my value and perhaps purpose for a long time. I just felt like I'm not fitting in. Tina’s Quantum Light Language Healing gave me a completely new perspective on life. The channelled insights Tina was able to bring forward to me and the connection to my spirit guides helped me so much in finding my value and worth. With my deepest gratitude for your help. Thank you Tina! You are just amazing!


Tina has an amazing ability to open you up to the next level of your soul's evolution

Tina has an amazing ability to open you up to the next level of your soul's evolution. She took me on a small journey of some aspects of what my soul has experienced that are relevant to my journey now and placed some of the puzzle pieces I had been missing for years back into place. It was such an amazing experience and touched such a deep place in my soul that needed to transmute and integrate for me to move forward on this journey called awakening. I highly recommend Tina if you want to move forward toward your soul's plan in this life. It's been a couple of weeks and I feel my light language is getting stronger. I'm starting to feel what is being expressed. I thank you from the point of my soul for your assistance on this step in my journey. 


She's the healer I knew (instantly) that I needed

The first time I became aware of Tina was seeing her on YouTube.  She was in a flow of Light language and it was beautiful.  My husband was watching too and said 'wow, that's strange and I said 'She is so amazing! I have to look her up!'. See... I have been doing this 'work' for around 20 years now and I can honestly say that Tina took me on a quantum leap from where I was - to where I am now. I have worked with many healers and teachers over the years and can, without a  doubt, say that Tina is on another level.  In fact, for me, she IS the next level!  100% with you in the session, you can just tell she has the biggest heart and along with her sheer authenticity and honesty, she made it easy for me to shed all the tears and the layers that needed to be released.  She's a bloody lovely person and the healer I knew (instantly) that I needed. If you're even reading this: congratulations, you've found her.


I felt re-energized. I felt calm and most importantly I feel free and powerful!

I nearly postponed my session with Tina as I was so exhausted. But I took a shower and joined zoom. At the end of our hour, my eyes were shining, my skin looked brighter and my hair fell into perfect curls (which it never does without lots of product!) That was just the external benefits! Internally I felt re-energized. I felt calm and most importantly I feel free and powerful! At the beginning of my healing, I had a channeled message that my team was going to awaken my inner goddess and they certainly did just that!


Wisdom, compassion, and insight

Holy Moly - What a healing!! That was incredible, thank you. And your words of wisdom, compassion, and insight at the very beginning of our conversation brought me much comfort too. Thank you.


I now understand and have integrated aspects of my higher self, and understand how past lives have influenced my character and life today

The most profound and liberating healing experience I have ever! I was drawn to Tina after hearing about a friend’s experience of her work and thought ‘this lady is phenomenal, I need to see her’! I have had two sessions with Tina now, each markedly different but equally deeply intuitive, healing and liberating.  I now understand and have integrated aspects of my higher self, and understand how past lives have influenced my character and life today, as channeled by Tina via Oracle, which has enabled me to do the necessary and long overdue inner shadow work in order to prepare me for the work I know I have to do in this lifetime to draw others out of the shadows and help them to heal. Tina is such a lovely warm and welcoming person to work with, there are no limits to what she can do or access and it is just like sitting and having a conversation with an old friend, indeed you leave the session feeling as if you’ve known her your entire life. I cannot recommend her work enough and would encourage you to look Tina up and book a session.  You will NOT be disappointed. It is a privilege.


I have evolved, healed, and transformed in every way possible

Tina is totally AMAZING!!  Words cannot describe the magic that happens in her work and our work together. Sublime and incredibly beautiful.  I have evolved, healed, and transformed in every way possible.  I resonate with everything in our sessions and understand so much now of my journey on all levels as a result. 
My recommendation is of the highest.’


Everything is lining up

I would just like to say thank you so much! The experience was wonderful! I am starting to feel like I am getting back on my feet. I have felt a huge amount of energy running through my womb area and a lot of heat .. thank you, thank you, thank you! Seems like everything is lining up. Very excited to start living and accepting the gifts I have been given. 


The activations I received throughout the session are very real and very potent, feeling them inside of my body and around me

I am very grateful for meeting you and for the wonderful work you do!!!! The Quantum Light Language Energy Healing session was beyond my expectations!!! The wealth of knowledge coming through it was unexpected, but I dived into it with an open heart and mind. I’ve been feeling stuck and I knew there is something that I needed to know. Connecting me with my soul family and with my ‘I AM’, brought a lot of healing, which it’s still unfolding as time goes on. You brought me HOME!!! And I know I have a lot of work to do, but now I know with certainty that we are so much more than who we think we are. The activations I received throughout the session are very real and very potent, feeling them inside of my body and around me.
Thank you so much!!!! Can’t wait to hear about my husband’s and my friend's sessions with you!!!


You will be blown away

Tina is the most amazing energy healer I've come across. She is so spot on it's unreal. I knew I had to see her because there were things in my life that were blocked especially pertaining to a house move. But there was also someone in my life whose energy was not nice. On the same day of the healing, that person left my life and although it was traumatic I knew it needed to happen. Regarding the house move, something legal came to light that was preventing it from happening which is all now being resolved. With Tina's help, I’m now feeling confident and happy knowing that everything is working out exactly as it should. Honestly just go and see her, you will be blown away!


Words can’t describe the joy and peace and emotions

Thank you so much for our session today. It was such an important confirmation for me in helping me understand my spiritual journey. Words can’t describe the joy and peace and emotions that I felt during the time together and I feel like I’m coming home. It has been beyond anything I could have imagined. 


Knew in my heart

There are not enough words to express how grateful I am for today, when I booked my session, I felt and knew in my heart that I had to, I initially thought I would find out about past lives and you would channel the healing, we did that, and so much more than I could even begin to comprehend and to be given my Star name. It’s so beautiful! Stepping back into my gifts and power is so much more than I ever could have imagined.


My consciousness has opened & expanded exponentially

I still treasure our 1-on-1 Session from January 19th & think about it every day! My consciousness has opened & expanded exponentially, & I still want more, more, more! I look forward to remembering and/or developing my superhuman gifts. So much to get excited about in this time of Ascension!


Relief to be recognised and connected to the light beings

Thank you for such a beautiful and powerful session this morning. it was so lovely to meet you and feel your heart energy. I have so much food for thought now and it felt like a huge relief to be recognised and connected to the light beings that work with you.


More settled in knowing my path consciously

I had a very profound session with you in March, gifted by my wonderful friend. I have listened to the recording every morning since then and feel like it has and is having a profound effect. I said before that I immediately felt more settled in knowing my path consciously, instead of feeling I should be doing more but not knowing what. I absolutely love the energy that you create so I have now joined the one family quantum connection.


I have a deep felt love and admiration for you

I just wanted to send you a message and say thank you from the bottom of my heart, I know physically, it floored me clearing all that darkness and as a healer, I also know the physical impact it can leave holding that space for a client, I am truly grateful to have found you and that you came to the darkness with me to return me back to the light, I have a deep felt love and admiration for you and you are a true gift to this lifetime & all time & space.


You're amazing

Thank you SO much for such a mind-blowing experience! Can't stop thinking about it all! You're amazing.

Rosy, UK

What an incredible journey

Thank you so much for today, what an incredible journey it was! I feel different already.

Elenaor, UK

So grateful for your healing

Thank you so much, Tina, it has been life-changing, and I feel so grateful for your healing and so very touched by your enormous amount of warmth and kindness. Aside from the powerful healing, you have shown me a more authentic way of relating with one another, that it is ok to show our love and affection freely.

Wei, Austalia

The most extraordinary and mind blowing experiences for me

Having the chance to experience a session with Tina, is like a once-in-a-lifetime visit to one of the 7 wonders of the world- you know it’s special! I have been fortunate enough to go twice to Tina over a two-year period. Receiving my Light language activation was the most extraordinary and mind blowing experiences for me. I had long been blocked in my throat chakra and even with extensive work it was really the light language that changed it for good. 

Since our most recent session, opportunities have begun to open and I truly feel like the Universe has my back. I had the deepest poverty and lack programmes coupled with a distrust of the Universe that were so deeply entrenched and going so far back that Tina was able to clear . My son and daughter loved the fact that you included a reading for them and gave them their heritage! I really feel like I am on a new path now, and free from the chains that held me. 

Tina, thank you for your extraordinary gift. I am truly grateful.

Shoana, UK

A new, expanded perspective

I had a Quantum Light Language Energy Healing with Tina a few months ago. I immediately connected to Tina's vibrant, loving energy that she radiates and extends. She and her Team she works with are such Generous, Expansive and Informative Channels - giving You a new perspective of who You are and Your Soul's Journey thru time. I received Light Language Healing and information that has helped me in the present time as well! Definitely gives you a new, expanded perspective! With many Thanks to Dear Tina and her Team !
With Love,