Light Language Healer and Galactic Historian Channeller

My mission is to activate those who are,
according to their blueprint,
ready to Awaken into
the new Golden Age of existence.



I have returned from my future to assist and Awaken our Light Being family back into their true remembrance.

You will remember my frequency deep within the core of you!


As a third-generation psychic-intuitive, I have always held a deep knowing. I can remember as a child being able to view the world from space. I knew that I was not of this time and place. I found school challenging. I had a great sense of never fitting in as a child and later this continued as an adult. I longed to go home.  I held a deep and unexplained calling for connection. As an adult filled with insecurities and depression, I chose to climb the corporate ladder hoping to validate myself and my existence. The higher I got the more disconnected I felt. However, during these times synchronicities happened. I became a Reiki Master, Tarot Reader, and confident Medium. Juggling renovating a house and being a parent, I kept myself busy, navigating my way through many crushing life lessons. As a result, I manifested a severe illness and confidence-draining stutter.  I had a physical and nervous breakdown. I hit rock bottom. I left my home to end my life, and at that moment, synchronicities happened yet again. These synchronicities would change my path forever.

On my road to recovery, a chance encounter led me to someone who introduced me to Quantum Energy Healing. As a direct result of this meeting, I reconnected with the quantum field, my remembrance, and my personal Expansion. I used this knowing to release my trauma and past life blockages. I healed every aspect of my broken 3D self: physically, mentally, and energetically.  I then understood that my mission in this incarnation was to assist others in their Awakening. My accelerated journey felt like I was on a rocket ship! I suddenly could see and understand portals, energy fields, templates, and different realities. I had Star Beings visit me in my bedroom at night! Many times, I was taken up into a huge spacecraft where not only did I reconnect to my galactic self, but I also received incredible healing, upgrades, and reprogramming. I began accessing and healing my shadows from my lifetimes. Then, when I was consciously holding my knowing, I was presented with my galactic shadows to heal as well! I started to access my multidimensional self and integrated my Andromeda Commander, followed by soul aspects from Lyra, Sirius, Arcturus, Pleiadean collective, Mars, Venus, and Hydra. Then I started to access my other planets and integrated my old/new frequencies and knowing. My spirit has evolved outside of the galaxies that we understand on earth. I was shown and channelled that I was the Master of Universal Galactic grids and that I was instrumental in creating the energy grids of all galactic space. To say that my mind was blown away would be an understatement! But suddenly in the deepest core of my soul, everything felt like truth. Then my Light Language was activated, and my life took another galactic turn.


I now channel multiple frequencies and dialects and I am blessed to be able to translate them as well. I also communicate and channel with other star beings. I now channel soul history, an understanding of humanity, and collective consciousness. I now also activate my client's Light Language! What an honour! As I accessed many of my past lives on and off the earth, I was able to understand each blueprint of original life force codes. Suddenly, I was reconnected to six underwater pyramids which contained 6 sacred crystal skulls. These hold ancient healing codes. I am called to use the crystal skulls for incredible healing. I also use the pyramid gold code frequency and have been gifted a sacred gold crystal skull for deep healing. Then, as if this was not enough, I came home to my Dragons! A huge troop of adult and baby dragons! I also remembered my incarnation as a Dragon and I was also shown my Dragon death!  I then reconnected to the templates of the ocean, mermaid, whale, narwhal, and many other of the sacred wisdom held within the ocean aquatics. I reconnected to my Shamanic heritage and became as connected above as I am below. Unity and synergy.  I regularly channelled the healing codes of Source as I am pure OM energy. I access the templates of Christ consciousness, Mother Mary, and Mary Magdalene. Our Lady of Guadalupe revealed herself and now allows me to combine energies so that we may return lost souls home into source light for integration. I also work within the energy of Angels, Arc Angels, and Ascended Masters. 

I then integrated my Golden codes into my spinal column and use these to activate others. I traverse freely between the crystalline grids, galactic grids, and the grids of the Multiverse. I remembered how to open and close portals, recode grids, and close and open new timelines. I became aware of a hugely powerful energy connecting to my consciousness and physical body. This is when I started to Channel information from Oracle, Master Creator of Universal Knowledge, and an aspect of my Higher Self. Through these channellings, I access my client’s past lives on earth and off planet. It is like opening a book into your soul’s journey. And then, Oracle started to scan inside my client’s body to assist in identifying physical ailments and deficiencies. It is incredible to be able to see the human body as it works!

Light Language Healer and Galactic Historian Channeller

I am here to serve and offer life-changing healing, DNA, and blueprint activations.


When I first used my Light Language to remove density and emotional blockages for my clients, I began to use Key Codes. I had no idea what exactly these were or even their importance in my healings. However, I have so much trust and belief that I simply allowed these sacred and powerful codes to work their magic. During my personal journeying, I have now been shown one of my home planets, the origins, and the integration of the secret Key Codes. My heritage. These are our planet's gifts. They are powerful energy codes, frequencies, and bandwidths that are delivered to the energetic field by Key Codes!  I was then shown my home planet blown up by Draco fleet ships. Just before this happened there was a collective collaboration with elders and other light beings and I was secretly smuggled off my planet and I then settled in Lyra. The Key Codes had to be kept safe at all costs. I now understand that I am the one and only custodian of these sacred codes. They are encoded into my DNA and my energy field. My role is to safeguard the codes until humanity was ready to fully Awaken. I held the codes within my field and traveled many lifetimes disconnected from my truth. I have an appointed traveler who agreed to protect me in many lifetimes as the codes are only to be activated in accordance with the Master Plan, The Great Awakening.  I recently channeled that, ‘It is now time to share the codes with the world.’

My mission is to activate those who are, according to their blueprint, ready to Awaken into the new Golden Age of existence. Every day I give gratitude to all that is as I continue daily to expand my personal journey. I am here to serve and offer life-changing healing, DNA, and blueprint activations. This is Expansion for those who have reached their timeline of remembrance.

You will just have the knowing!