I have been called to channel the Expansion Program to assist those in their Awakening.

The 8 Week Expansion Mentorship will focus on the deconstructing of outdated programs and templates.

This is part of my sacred blueprint and my agreement in this incarnation.

It has been a year in the making, such is its importance.

The importance of releasing negative limiting beliefs and emotions. Then, and only then, will it free you to accept new golden codes of enlightenment. Humanity is evolving and it starts with a journey into the truth. This is not for the faint-hearted. But then, any such endeavour would not bring rewards if it didn’t push us to truly understand the complete self within. The benefits are endless! It is a great adventure. From my heart, I agree to share this journey with you. In another time and another place, we have already contracted this agreement!

You will know if you are ready to do this work.

Diving deep…

You will peel back your emotional layers to bring to light both your conscious and unconscious beliefs. You will face your limitations. You will also understand any inherited ancestral wounds and trauma. All that is known and unknown shall be revealed during your 8 unique healings with me.

We will connect to all of my galactic team and Star Beings of the Universe, plus any of the following;  my Dragons, Water Dragons, Angels, Christ Consciousness, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, John the Baptist, Merlin, Shamans, Spirit Animals, Earth energies, Water Air, Fire energies, Underwater Pyramids, Mermaids, Fairies, Tree Spirits, Diamond White Codes, Gold Codes, Blue light, The Violet Flame, The 24 Rays, Goddess Energy,  Aboriginal ancestors or whatever holds the frequencies required to assist in your healing.

We will then call upon your Higher Self, your guides, and your own galactic teams. You will face your shadows so that you will hold more light. More light to be your very best self.

You will release, clear, recode, and reset.

What is magic if it is not the honouring of the journey,
the truth of the heart and the engagement of the stars?

Channelled by Oracle – an aspect of my Higher Self.

Reclaiming your gifts!

Feeling lighter, feeling empowered, and ready to create new timelines of abundance and soul possibilities. We are all holographic representations of multiple energetic templates. These templates hold our individual codes of remembrance. This blueprint is the story of the energetic you. Your story is formed as your first original spark of cosmic light, and it continues to evolve beyond all time and space. It is a continuum.

In your blueprint, you retain echoes of galactic pasts in physical and nonphysical forms. You retain echoes of past lives on Earth. You are also existing in multiple realities which run simultaneously alongside your timeline.

Then, a little collective consciousness is added to the mix, and no wonder we struggle to understand our journey?! That is why our Awakening is a rocky road and can be described as the ‘dark night of the soul’.

I always tell my clients that no one ever showed us the small print when we chose to incarnate in this lifetime!

Remember, you are never broken so you don’t need to be fixed.

You just need to reconnect to your knowledge...

In each of our eight weeks together we will focus on the Root, Sacral, Solar plexus, Heart, Throat, Third eye, and Crown Chakras.  Together we will enter each portal with the specific intention to discover what you hold within. This may include past, present, and future lives. This is why you must complete the Journal that will be sent to you before we begin our work together. This has also been channelled to assist you in discovering how you will be rebirthed without distortion. This individual focus will allow us to discharge every negative and resisting beliefs you hold about yourself. 

We will uncover your programs linked to these powerful portals. Each Chakra holds specific remembrance. I will channel this information to you. We will work systematically and with powerful intentions. We will pinpoint and make sense of your limiting beliefs, contract, oaths, pledges, and agreements to hold ancestral pain, and then we will recode with a unique and masterful, channelled Light Language code which is only commissioned through the Expansion Light Soul Spirit Mentorship. And during our healings, I will anchor and activate your Earth Star and sacred Soul Star.


 What is included in your 8-Week Expansion Mentorship?

  • 8 x 1.5 hours One to One Sessions – Scheduled in advance

  • 8 x Galactic Channellings

  • 8 x Light Language Activations and Alignments

  • 8 x Audio Recordings

  • 1 x Uniquely channelled Grounding Code exclusive to Expansion – Light Soul Spirit

  • 9 x Uniquely channelled Chakra Codes exclusive to Expansion – Light Soul Spirit

  • 1 x Journey Journal divided into 8 specific chapters of intentions and discoveries

You are on the first step of an incredibly liberating journey! 

Tina Slade Expansion - Light Soul Spirit - 8 Week Expansion Mentorship | £1689

I cannot wait to join our energies together to alchemize magic

QUESTIONS? Email us: hello@tinasladeexpansion.com


Sublime and incredibly beautiful.

 Tina is totally AMAZING!! Words cannot describe the magic that happens in her work and our work together. Sublime and incredibly beautiful. I have evolved, healed, and transformed in every way possible. I resonate with everything in our sessions and understand so much now of my journey on all levels as a result. My recommendation is of the highest.