Audio and Video Media Release


All offerings remain the property of Tina Slade Expansion and therefore fall under the stated Community Policies, Terms & Conditions and Intellectual Copyrights. By downloading or purchasing these offerings you are agreeing to respect this ownership including and without limitation acts of copying, transmitting, reproducing, and modifying.

By participating in the Tina Slade Expansion community, you are agreeing to this audio and visual release as follows:

I hereby grant to Tina Slade Expansion the following rights in the interest of furthering Tina Slade Expansion creation and distribution of informational and artistic materials:

1. The right to record my image, photographs, picture, likeness, written content and voice pertaining to Tina Slade Expansion by any technology or means.

2. The right to copy, use, perform, display and distribute such recordings of me for any legitimate purpose, including but not limited to distribution by means of streaming or other technologies via the Internet, or distribution of audio or video files (e.g. podcasts) for download by the public.

3. The right to combine such recordings of me with other images, recordings, or printed materials in the production of motion pictures, television tape, sound recordings, still photography, cd-rom or any other media.

4. The right to repost my photographs and written content to Tina Slade Expansion’s social media.

5. The right to record, reproduce, amplify and simulate my image and all sound effects produced.

6. The right to assign, transfer, or license the above rights to third parties.

7. The right to use my image and voice in connection with the marketing of Tina Slade Expansion programs, events, or educational or artistic materials. I understand and agree that I will not receive compensation, now or in the future, in connection with Tina Slade Expansion exercise of the rights granted hereunder. I hereby assign to Tina Slade Expansion any and all copyright I may have in the recordings made of me hereunder. I hereby release and forever discharge Tina Slade Expansion, its members individually from any and all claims, demands, rights and causes of action of whatever kind that I may have, caused by or arising from Tina Slade Expansion exercise of the rights granted hereunder and the use of recordings containing my image or voice, including all claims for libel and invasion of privacy or infringement of rights of copyright and publicity.

© Tina Slade Expansion | 2022